Forgiveness, we can’t live without it….

A little more than two thousand years ago, Jesus was crucified on a cross, on a hill in Jerusalem. After brutal treatment and a mock trial, then nailed to a cross, He spoke these words “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do“.   Here was the author of Creation itself giving us the understanding that without the love of forgiveness, we are caught in a place that will stifle our very life.

I don’t know about your life, but I know I need forgiveness, as my words, actions and even my thoughts sometimes boldly stray from what would honor and give glory to God.   Matthew 12:36 reminds me that for “every careless word that people speak” there will be an accounting for in the day of judgment, and that by our words we will be justified or condemned.

For the believer I think it looks like constant awareness of whether my words honor our Savior or not, and it always gives us the opportunity to examine my motives.   There are times when words do come from selfishness, and for those I need “short leash” repentance.   (For those who have never taken a dog for a walk – a short leash helps control a dog in training – or one that’s unruly)

Matthew tells readers that it is out of our heart that our words come, which should also give us individually a deep understanding of our general motives. The more I fuss, fume or judge my spouse, the more my motives need a reminder from Psalm 26:2, and Lamentations 3:40.

As we examine ourselves we can address whether or not our need is a one time thing, or an already known or newly aware of character flaw that God will work on, if I open myself to His guiding hand.   This often demonstrates the need for changes in me along with needing forgiveness.

empty As I address God with my need of His forgiveness that was assured on Easter morning, it also hopefully brings me to see the human need to confess and ask forgiveness from those here on earth that have suffered from my sin.
